Profesional & Civilized Disagreement

This writing mean to be draft but I published it anyway, so everyone can discuss it

Ngono yo ngono, ning ojo ngono

Old Javanese quote

The literal translation of above quote actualy quite absurd,

“That is that, but dont be like that”.

But after reading reference and internet discusion that consist of extreme left to extreme right, libertarian to socialist, Islamist to Kejawen, from another extreme to another extreme, the quote make more sense.

As people in Javanese environment, I take the above guidance as this,

You can hold ideology / opinion / that differ with your friend / family / working place / organization in general, and you are allowed to exercise that anywhere as you like, but in the end you have to also mind other people business and know the boundaries.

The boundary here vary, but in the end it should be allowing other people to disagree with you and not getting offended.

That’s it.

The last part is the hardest, because human ego.

And we like to hurt the other people ego that disagree with our way. Dont know why we like it, it does not change anything and just make situation worse.

To be continue

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